When is it time to grow up?

Image source: Pinterest

I don't think I've ever been a rebellious kid my entire life growing up. Rather, if my parents were to ever tell someone I was rebellious, I know for a fact I'd strongly rebel against them for making that statement. I'm not the most well-behaved, but as far as being rebellious, the most I've come close to is maybe just coming back half an hour later than the time I promised.

Yep, #thuglife.

For someone who's centred her parents blessings around her life, I guess you could say I'm the sort of person who'd tell my parents things that I'm up to (for the most part, you can't possibly update them on everything) and ask them for their permission before doing certain things. Firstly, they are the ones supporting me financially and I only feel it right to ask them for permission regarding doing certain things that involves spending. Secondly, because I truly believe in a parents' blessings and I know that if I were to do anything naughty without their knowledge nothing good is going to come out from it.

Lately though I've come to realise that I don't feel the need to tell them or ask them as much as I used to. For instance, there are things that I am ashamed to say I have done recently (nothing major) that I know they would not have approved of. Furthermore, there are some things I have been doing independently and decisions that I am considering to make (life changing ones) which I have not yet discussed with them.

I blame the long distance for the poor communication between my parents and I, but I guess the truth is that I want to make these decisions for myself. I know I am going to make mistakes along the way, and sometimes it may cause a lot of harm and damage but isn't that a necessary stage and process of growing up? Perhaps it's Asian parenting, we kids grow up listening to our elders and doing things to make them happy. I don't discourage or dislike this practise, and in fact am hoping to someday raise my children with this mindset. Yet at the same time, I feel like it is time for me to make some decisions by myself without constantly worrying about not having told my parents or asking them for their permission.

When is it the right time to do things by yourself?

Perhaps I have been too sheltered (I disagree on this point personally though), but the truth is that I think I am too afraid to venture into the vast unknown by myself. Thus, by making it seem that my parents prevent me from taking on certain opportunities, I give myself a valid excuse to stop myself from giving something a go.

As my mum always said, if I wanted something, my mind would have already been made up and I would fight my way for it no matter what. If I didn't want it badly, no matter what anyone said - parents included - I wouldn't pursue it if something came in my way. I suppose this statement rings true for a lot of people, but if this is the case for me then I must have not wanted a lot of things...

Alas, I am 22 now. It's time to grow up buddy, time to face the real world. Gotta take it one step at a time. I guess I won't stop from ever telling my parents my decisions as well as ask them for their blessing and permission on certain things. But if there's one thing I really need to work on, it's making a concrete plan to present to them to have them see that I know what it is I'm talking about in the first place.

The last paragraph just brought my attention to the underlying problem behind this entire post. Good job Aisyah.

Anyone in a similar predicament?


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