Quarterly Review

Image Credits: Pinterest
It's madness that a quarter of the year has flown by just like that. And as always, I sit back in my chair and reflect on the things that I have / have not done and accomplished thus far.

There's a weird feeling and emotion that's attached to me. Since turning 18, I find myself unable to move forward as the years go by. I don't mean that I'm unable to put the past behind and face the truth of what life is (perhaps to a certain extent, I am very wary of the future and may explain my unwillingness to face reality), but it's inclined rather towards my inability to see myself at any other age but that. 18. E-I-G-H-T-E-E-N.

Mentally, I know I'm far beyond that. Well, at least I'd like to think so. Yet at the same time I can't seem to step out of this mental understanding and bubble that I am no longer a teen but I am already in my twenties. In three years I'll be celebrating my 25th birthday and heaven forbid where I'd be at that point in time. Most probably would still be feeling stranded and helpless as always. I only pray and hope I'd be more grounded by then.

So, a review of what the past four months have been like for me. I think it's important to reflect on what I've accomplished and done for improvements. I don't know if I speak for most people out there, but I know I'm a lot more productive with my life if I set goals and targets for myself. And as always, these goals need to be checked up on every once in a while. So, let's get started.

1) Health - Physical
I'm definitely putting this first because this is one aspect of my life that I've been consistent with for the past few months. I'm usually inconsistent with my exercise regiment, often I'd be active for one or two months and then I'll have a long period of inactivity before pursuing it again. I've made some changes to my fitness regiment, and I have a post about it coming up real soon, so stay tuned for that! :) Basically, I've been exercising at least three times a week plus eating a lot healthier than before. So kudos to me!! And I'm glad because I can see the difference in my emotional state as well as physical state, and it makes me feel so powerful inside out. I now lust after workout gear and sports shoes more than I do for other types of clothing products...

2) Health - Spiritual
I have to include this in because this past year has seen a huge improvement in terms of my spiritual health and mental well-being. Where I used to slack off, I'm so proud of how much I've improved. At times it comes back, but I remind myself of why I'm blessed to be where and who I am right now, and that I'll always return to Him at the end of the day. Enough about this, I just felt I needed to write it in to remind myself that this has played a significant role altogether in my life this year :)

3) Health - Mental
Tying up to the previous point, I find myself a lot more at ease with the things that are beyond my control. Jealousy, hatred and anger have been replaced with understanding, love and patience. I won't deny that these emotions creep up on me at times, but I can honestly state that the number of times it's happened can be counted with my fingertips. It's ironic that the one thing that's assisted greatly with this issue is social media considering this blog I'm attempting to run :P

Many great things have happened to me over the past four months. I've been blessed with new experiences, things that I never in my wildest dreams thought would happen to me. I've learnt to open up my heart to love more, to understand people better and to accept them for who they are. To truly invest time in those who are important to me and to remain respectful and friendly to those who aren't. Let's face it, you can't possibly love every single person in the entire world, but there is so much more you can invest in emotionally than hate towards another person.

Academically, I've been coping well. I've also strengthened and made many new friends the past four months :) I've said this time and again, but when people leave, new ones enter. And I'm going to emphasise once more, those who I categorise as having "left" are still there in spirit, they're just no longer physically with me here down under.

There are many more things to look forward to in the coming months. I've a new source of income and I'm hoping that this would only provide more opportunities to buy new stuff to share with reviews with you!! I kid you not when I state that I've hardly spent any money on make-up or clothes (proud of myself!!!) this year so far. I am however itching to buy some new lipsticks since winter is a-coming and I'm dying to use some really dark colours.

With that, I suppose the past four months haven't been so bad :) I still haven't accomplished my wanting to learn a second language fluently yet. Neither have I fully accomplished my want to stop walking so fast. I forgot about it the past month and subconsciously went back to my bad ways. I'm glad I went back to that post because now I am going to take more effort into reminding myself!!

It's 11.11pm, Sunday the 10th of May right now as I type this sentence. They say to make a wish when it's 11.11.


I've made my wish :) Silly of me, I know.

I really do love blogging so much, it's such a form of catharsis. A few nights ago I was feeling lost and troubled, and tonight I feel like I've let it all out through this post.

Now that I've sorted out my thoughts, it's time to put the plans and targets out on a piece of paper. Did you know that writing out your goals on a piece of paper makes it a mission for you? Once the ink has dried on the piece of paper it's confirmation that you've set these goals out for yourself and hence should complete them. Just something I learnt :)

Till then, much loves and I'll see you real soon! :)

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