Updates + Writers Block

Source: Me
The term "writer's block" has never been more applicable to me today than less than half a year ago when I decided to make this blog. It's one thing to be blogging about your personal life and another when it comes to blogging about things that you genuinely want to share about. Pardon me for expressing my woes with regards to this platform once again, but at the current moment I'm still so lost as to what I want this space to be. An inspirational platform? Suits the wishy washy me very well. A beauty platform? I do love my products and I love to share some of the tips that I find have worked for me. That said it's not every day I'll have something beauty related to share. Hmm.. I'll need to figure this out sometime soon.

Meanwhile, the plague that's taken over my creative juices has me worried. Why do I lack inspiration? It's true that most of the inspiration behind my posts come from personal encounters and experiences. I wondered if my lack of inspiration possibly signified me being in a good place in my life at the moment.

Living overseas has been quite a tumultuous ride for me and be it unfortunate or not, i'm still going through the ride. As i've mentioned in a previous post, 2014 was a terrible year for me after experiencing depression and anxiety. There was no doubt that 2015 frightened me to bits prior to my departure from home and my family. You never really know what life has in store for you, you can only pray for the best really.

Well, as far as I can say, life has been treating me well so far :) Albeit it only being three weeks since I've been away from home, I can safely say that I am genuinely happy. It may be too bold of me to say that I'm the happiest I've been in a long while since my trip overseas with my family, but it certainly comes close. Friends who are no longer down under with me are still in my mind, but their departure has allowed others to make way into my life. Acquaintances are now friends, and friends are now good friends. The biggest contributing factor to my happiness here definitely has to be the club I'm involved with in Uni, it takes up most of my time in all the good ways possible :)

However, the sole reason why I know I'm as happy and grateful as I am now lies in only one reason - faith. I don't like talking about religion on public platforms like these in general because I understand that not everyone believes in the same thing as I do. Needless to say - and in no way are my intentions to preach - faith has helped me to overcome all the darkness that has plagued me the previous year. I lacked prayer and faith the year before, and despite knowing it was an issue still lacked the discipline to change my habits. I promised myself I'd put my faith above everything else this year, and to strive to be a better person of my religion. Like said, it's only been three weeks but I'm confident of proving myself wrong that I'll fail to accomplish this.

Source: Pinterest
Truly, there are so many things I'm afraid of. But with faith + hard work, I know I'll get there eventually :) 

Anyway, here are some snippets from what I've been up to the past three weeks:

(L-R): Frozen Yogurt from Yo-chi, Hotcakes from The Kettle Black, Charlie's old fashioned Quencher, brunch from Mart 130
Also, I turned 22 last Friday! Happy Belated Birthday to me :) Unfortunately (and I hate myself so much for this) I have no photos from that night!! :( I had a wonderful and lovely day nonetheless, and it was perfect just the way I liked it with people I treasure in my life. Perhaps I'll share a little bit more about my birthday celebration in another post. 

Till then, have a lovely week ahead and I'll see this space very soon :)

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