My happy place :)

Often in life we focus on the bad things that happen to us. We allow it to take over our life and some of us fall into the trap of allowing it to take control of our decisions and the actions of people around us. Very often it's a game that the mind plays on you. The issues you have are always blown out of proportion and we fail to see that. 

I can honestly say right now that I don't think I've felt this happy in years. I've achieved a sense of zen not only with life but with myself. As someone who's grappled with self-esteem issues for the past two decades, I can genuinely say that I've learnt to love myself for who I am. I now no longer need to compare myself to others to measure my worth. We are all blessed with different aspects and strengths that make us who we are. Measuring and comparing yourself to others isn't only going to put you down but it's going to cause you to rate others as well and this may place a strain on your friendship.

I now know that I am not as terrible or ugly as a person as I once thought I was, I've learnt to be comfortable in my own skin and I'm no longer afraid to share my beliefs to others. It's who I am and it's not something that I can run away from. Running away from yourself is running away from the truth, and you're never going to be able to achieve inner peace if you're constantly doing that.

I hope that everyone out there eventually learns to achieve inner peace with themselves. It's not an easy thing to do, it takes practice (yes, practice) and confidence. But hey, if someone like me can do it, I believe everyone can :)

The first step though? Stop pointing and looking at the flaws and strengths of others. Focus on yourself instead. What is your strength? What do you think you possess that makes you uniquely you? What then are your flaws? Is it manageable? Or is it something that you want to be rid of. Give yourself space, we all have flaws but it's okay as long as we know it exists and learn to manage it when it crops up.

Have faith and love yourselves :) My only wish is that everyone would someday experience the inner peace I have learnt to achieve with myself.


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