What it's like living with eczema.

Image Credits: Google Images, Edited By: Me
1) You've tried on pretty much every moisturising cream in the market. 
And no, we're not talking about brands like Clinique or Chanel. We're talking about dermatological moisturisers like QV, Dermaveen & Physiogel to name a few. You've tried numerous products recommended by your dermatologists, and can pretty much state confidently whether or not it's worked for you. You've also developed a keen sense of touch and smell in detecting whether or not you're sensitive to a product. Too fruity, sure to break out or the consistency is too sticky, it's uncomfortable for me.

2) You've ingested so much steroids in your body you wonder why athletes risk their lives taking it in.
One down side of having eczema - especially serious cases - is that you're bound to have been prescribed steroids to lessen the infected area. The sad truth is that these steroids are hella effective. A small application goes a long way and it's pretty much your holy grail for those days your skin just decides to break out. Well... until you realise how much toxins your body's just taken in.

3) Scabs and dry skin don't frighten you.
In fact, you may have just developed a fetish of wanting to remove scabs you see on others. Does this make you weird? Possibly. But you should seek comfort in the fact that dermatologist Dr Sandra Lee has close to a million subscribers on her channel right now, so you're not alone ;)

4) Water is your best friend.
When it comes to having dry skin, water is essential in your diet. Drinking helps to keep your skin moisturised and is a better solution than the moisturising creams available. Drink enough to stay hydrated, but it won't hurt to add in a few ml each day. Give it a try and see what a difference it makes :) I've also blogged about my experience drinking 3l of water every day, you can read more about it here.

5) Cold showers are the best showers.
Showering with hot water is the worst decision a person with eczema could possibly make. For the longest time, I loved taking hot showers. I'm a morning person and so taking a cold shower in the morning was brutal. It wasn't until I watched a show and received advice to take cold showers with my condition. I've changed things up and needless to say, it's helped me tremendously and my skin has never been better. In fact, I actually recall scratching and putting my skin under boiling water. Perfect when you're itchy, but hell once you leave and see the damage you've done.

6) You pretty much are an expert in spelling.
The number of times I've felt a huge wave of satisfaction simply from being able to spell e-c-z-e-m-a properly would be enough to earn me an all expense trip around the world. You're pretty much an expert in spelling from the numerous times you've had to let a doctor or a nurse know your medical history. You're also the first to correct if someone spelt it as e-X-z-e-m-a. It's pretty much a cool club if you can spell it right.

7) You are more acceptive of defects/conditions you see in others, even if they aren't eczema related.
Now this point of course doesn't only apply to people with eczema, but I personally find myself to be less judgmental of people with other conditions. "Abnormal" defects or things that may be considered gross by some don't deter you.

8) At the end of the day though, no matter how troublesome eczema may be, you've learnt to appreciate and own it. 
I've had eczema all my life, and though it is nowhere near to the condition it was in when I was a teenager (let's just say people wouldn't touch my skin without flinching from the texture), I'm appreciative for it. It's taught me a great deal of things, from discipline, self-awareness and even management of money. Overall, it's been a journey and though I still have high hopes of being rid of it completely, till then I'll still have to remain religious and careful in how I take care of myself.

Does anyone out there have eczema too? These are some of the things I've learnt and experienced as someone who has it but I'd love to know your thoughts on them too :)


  1. Thank you for sharing. I never had it to be honest!
    Loving your blog! Followed!
    Dora www.bangsbang.com

    1. Hi Dora! Thank you for dropping by and following! :)
