Till I see you again.

I am a pathetic excuse of a blogger, and I know, I've made so many empty promises with regards to updating this space!

Life has, in short, been exhausting.

There have been so many things going on, from contests, to assignments, to therapy sessions, to the 10km run, to meetings, to elections, to applications... I don't really know if I've had the chance to truly relax without worrying about something that's coming up.

Even so, it is precisely these things that continuously assist in propelling me forward through the days. After all, putting a specific event in my calendar just means that there's something to work towards and look forward to. But fret not, I definitely have my off-days where I'm basking under the warmth of the Sun and enjoying my time with friends. Weather in Melbourne has been splendid so far and I couldn't be more grateful :)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I most likely won't be able to blog as often for the next few weeks - at least not until about the end of November - due to exams and assignments. As it is, I should be working on an assignment right at this moment but I'm procrastinating. I really miss blogging and sharing my experiences with you but I really don't want to do it half-arsed. I'd rather much put in my full dedication and thought when sharing these things.

Till then, here's a photo of the Exhibition Building from when I attended the Finders Keepers Markets two weeks ago. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon, and a pleasant way to end my mid-semester break :) The photo is ironic because this same building that housed the beautiful crafts is also the same building that thousands of students enter to sit for their examinations. It's a love/hate relationship.

... but I guess it makes sitting for examinations a little more bearable when its done in such a beautiful building. Till I'm back, stay safe and I'll catch up with you soon <3


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