When to stay quiet.

Source: Pinterest
As a self-righteous person, you'll very often find me standing up for myself. That said, I humbly accept that I am wrong when the situation calls for it. I mean, you can't be correct all the time right? 

I find it easier to stand up for myself and the things I believe in when there are statistics to prove my point. It's so easy to point to a chart or a study and say "Here, this is not a true reflection of the entire population, but it comes close enough." It's not so easy on the other hand when it comes to matters of the heart and gets personal. 

Have you ever been placed in a situation where you're either getting reprimanded or are in an argument and the person you're conversing with is one who points out things about you that he / she believes to be true? I mean, the truth is that sometimes the third perspective is a lot more accurate than the first. Hey, some people don't notice their flaws until someone points it out to them right? But what if you've already reached the point where you're confident and honest with yourself about your flaws and the problems you're going through? In other words, on the other line there are strings of sentences being made and put out about the kind of person you are whereas inside you know that isn't true. 

This has happened to me a lot and I am sure it has happened to some of you too. I find myself several times in a situation where I'm with someone else who has so confidently concluded my character (said judgment obviously clashing with my personal understanding) that I always end up battling with myself if it is wise to stand up for myself. I'm not going to lie, several times I have always wanted to. In fact, I have never been so sure of myself today than I was before. My assurance of the kind of person I have grown to be has seen me keeping quiet when I'm faced with such situations. 

I guess you really do find comfort in the truth. 

Essentially, what I've come to realise is that there's no need to correct someone who thinks otherwise of the kind of person who believe yourself to be. I'll be clear of one thing, I know that I am not as kind and nice a person as people make me out to be. Similarly, I am also aware that I am not as mean and rude as people make me out to be as well. So long as I know who I am inside, no matter how harsh the judgments may turn out to be (at least those that I am aware of) I know that there is no point in standing up for myself in such trivial matters. 

... unless it's a matter of life or death then I suppose it'll be important to make my point. 

So before you say something next time to retaliate to someone's statement, think twice. Does their statement bear some truth to which you agree to? Is it important for you to prove them wrong? Will things drastically change unless you prove them otherwise? 

Have you ever experienced something like this before? I'd love to know. 
Love yourself, xx.

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