
Atop the Alhambra in Granada, Spain.
My first month of January has proven to be rather exhausting. I'm not working full-time, yet I'm somewhat burnt from all the travelling I have been doing from it. I've somehow managed to fall sick again and resting at home reminds me of my recent holiday to Spain last December. I have yet to blog proper about my trip - and will do in due time - but Spain definitely was a trip worth remembering. If I could just board a plane and skip off on a holiday again...

That said, I decided to blog about something a student told me one day whilst I was at work. 

My job scope basically involves interaction with students (mostly high school) and a common question asked is "Do you have a boyfriend?". This question comes from both sexes and I usually have a lot of fun twisting my answers and making it difficult for them to guess muahuahuahuahua. So recently I retorted with a "Do you think I have a boyfriend?". To which their response goes "Yes I think so, you are pretty and therefore you definitely must have a boyfriend."

This response left me baffled and for the first time since I've ever been asked this question I was speechless.

I guess what went running through my mind was the mindset of this 16-year old. Granted, back then at that age I too thought that all pretty people were destined to get married and have a partner. To say that I wasn't pleased with her compliment would be a lie, she flattered me definitely. Yet it has made me realise just how much I have matured since then.

Back then, I would have judged and rated a person's likeness based on their appearance. The more attractive you were, the higher my regard for you. Today I've come to learnt that no matter how attractive you may appear to be, a rubbish personality won't bring you anywhere. I don't believe that there are people out there with ugly personalities. I do believe that we are each made up of flaws and imperfections.

After having spent a moment thinking through, I came back with a response. "Well, say someone is pretty but if you realise that he has a bad personality you won't see him to be handsome any longer right?". I'm not quite sure if that actually was a response or if it was me asking myself a question. Either ways it got her thinking and I hope I didn't ruin her teenage hood in any way.

Now that I've come to the end of this post I'm beginning to question why I brought this incident up in the first place. Either ways that statement struck a chord somewhere, and I know for sure I won't be forgetting that girl anytime soon.


p.s. What are your thoughts? Do share, I'd love to know :)

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