Back to the running grind.

Now that exams are done, it's time to get back to the fitness regime. I can hardly believe that I was actually physically inactive for four entire months. It's personally a first for me.

Exercise has never really been something I've actively pursued for health purposes. Rather, I always saw exercise as a way to stuff myself with more food. It's hard to have a passionate relationship with food without growing horizontally.

This time round though, I'm actually finding it a lot easier to get myself to exercise than I had expected. I suppose this could be because I'm currently aiming to run a 10k by mid of next year. Sounds feasible? ;) That in mind, training is my number 1 priority at the moment, and it's important for me to know that my stamina is maintained. I still remember the day I picked up running, it should be no surprise that I failed miserably. I was barely able to keep up for 20minutes straight without huffing and puffing, and I felt like giving up. I almost did, but I stopped myself from doing so. Today I can run for 50 minutes straight on the treadmill, and I can only say that it took me years to get where I am now.

That said, here are some tips that I can share from my personal experience with running to help those of you who's finding it hard to start. Please note that I am no medial expert, these are simply some tips I have found to have worked for me:

1. Start slow.
You needed to learn how to walk before you run, and this applies to running for sure. I used to find it so difficult to fun for 20 minutes straight before. If you're running for the first time, start at a slow speed (~5.0/6.0) and stick to it for perhaps 20 minutes. Stick to a speed you're comfortable with, and as time progresses, increase it steadily. I started running at a speed of only 6.0 but in due time increased it as I went along and today I am able to run at 8.0. Quite a feat for myself I must say :)

2. Set a target.
I know you've most probably heard this countless times, but I cannot stress how important this is. Running (be it on a treadmill or in the outdoors) can be mentally exhausting if you're doing it without a target. Give yourself a target each time before you run. It could be a time limit, perhaps you're aiming to run 30 minutes straight, or a particular distance you're hoping to accomplish. Either ways, setting a target in mind gives you an end to work towards while you're running, and this will hopefully serve to motivate you to persevere on during the run at the crucial moments your body tells you to stop.

3. Know to differentiate between your body and your mind.
Your body speaks to you in ways louder than you'd expect. At the same time, there will be moments where your mind serves the devil and tries to turn you away from getting out of bed. There have been many times where my body is sore, but is a sore where I know I still will be able to run. These times, my mind then tells me not to and goes against my will, trying to persuade me to rest. During these moments, it's important to understand your body well enough to know that you're not overexerting yourself. When it comes to running especially, a quote to live by is "Mind over matter".

4. Drink plenty of water before a run.
Drinking water is especially important to stay hydrated throughout the course of your run. I personally make it a point to drink at least 3 glasses within the hour before my run and another glass just before I head out. Be sure not to drink too much just before, you need to allow your body time to absorb the water.

5. Have a playlist ready.
I cannot survive running without my music. These days however, I have a YouTube playlist I've set for myself to watch whilst running on the treadmill. Time passes by and before I know it I've completed 30 minutes on the treadmill. Not only does it make running a lot easier, but i'm also able to kill two birds with one stone!! :)

6. Imagine you're a deer running through the woods.
This sounds silly, but form is always important when it comes to running. Be sure to have a good posture and form whilst running, otherwise not only are you making yourself susceptible to injuries post-run but you're also tiring yourself for no apparent reason. This article gives great insight on the importance of maintaining a good form whilst running.

Last but not least,

7. Enjoy yourself.
Running can be a chore most of the time, but the amount of satisfaction received at the end of it truly makes it all worth it. Enjoy the ride and the journey, track your progress and see how far you've come :)

Have a lovely weekend ahead! xx.

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