A New Year

Source: weheartit
Happy New Year everyone! I think by now every last corner of the Earth has welcomed 2015 - & hopefully with a bang. I spent the night at my grandmother's on New Year's Eve, and it was splendid because we got to hear and catch a wee bit of the fireworks from her place. I can't believe it's already 2015, how fast a year has gone by.

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for having neglected this space for too long. With the recent events that have taken place in the world, I really felt the need to disconnect myself from the internet for a couple of weeks to spend some time with my family and loved ones. This year has seen far too many tragedies and far too many lives have been lost. My heart only goes out to the families and loved ones of the victims involved. The world is praying for your peace, and may you eventually receive the closure that you need. 

Secondly, i've been caught up with some personal issues that have affected me emotionally and physically. It's not devastating news, but I am only human and I have carried out a huge mistake considered a sin in my books. I don't know why I'm typing this out on the internet, but I have been troubled by this for the past two months and it's eating me up alive. I have resolved to step forward and make things right, and I am praying that things go okay. I know they will, but it is the storm that I know I will have to face that frightens me. But it's alright, I know it's the right thing to do and even though it's not an easy thing to face up to, it's still something that simply has to be done. Don't worry about me though, it's not a fatal issue or anything. 

... talk about starting the new year right and with a bang. Ha ha.

Speaking of which, I haven't had the time to write down my resolutions for this year. Even though resolutions fail 99% of the time, writing it down is still a tradition everyone does. They say writing things down on paper makes it credible and turns it into a promise almost that you've made to yourself to complete. But... since I lose the pieces of paper I scribble my resolutions on each year I guess that promise disappears? Ha ha ha.

Either ways, I have certain resolutions I've set out for myself. But at the moment the first thing I need to do is resolve the issue that's eating my brains out alive. 

I won't promise a post next week because I don't know if I can keep that, but I promise it will come up once I've settled everything that needs to be done. I hope you guys aren't in as sticky a situation as I am in and are having a more enjoyable and amazing New Years Day! 

Till then, xx.

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