Welcome back :)

I have most probably stared at my screen for a good half hour wondering how to start my entry for today. After all, what does one say after having been inactive for a month? I suppose I'll begin with a very classic "Hi, I'm back! :)"

Another semester has ended, and the results from the examinations are looming ahead. I am safe and sound in the comfort of my own home back in my sunny island, and I am looking forward to what the next few weeks will bring. 

It's the summer holidays now, and I would like to make the most out of it: with this blog, with certain personal achievements I hope to accomplish and catching up with loved ones. There are many exciting things coming up this month, and I cannot wait to update you with all of them! :) The most exciting one thus far has to be an upcoming vacation to Barcelona, Spain with my family. This would be my first step into Europe (England not counted) and I have heard several lovely stories from friends who've visited the country. That's one thing to look forward to :) 

With regards to my blog, I'm still in the process of figuring out how I'd like to organise it. I've come to realise that there are far too many things I'm interested in sharing, and these things are scattered all over the place. Either ways, I'm definitely going to be posting as regularly as once a week (exact day of publish to be confirmed) and I'll be sure to update this space once I've figured it out :) 

2015 is coming around the corner, and as always, the start of a new year brings with it a whole list of new resolutions. I don't believe in coming up with resolutions only at the start of a new year, because we are after all always seeking for self-improvement. Still, this past year has been nothing but a tumultuous one for me in all aspects. The coming year will be a fresh one for me, my closest friends are graduating this coming December, and will no longer be in the land down under. There's no doubt I'll suffer from their absence, nonetheless I am excited for what the working corporate world holds for them in their new journey. With that, there's one quote in particular that I'm keeping close to my heart:

Image Source: Pinterest
My past self would have mulled over how my friends would be leaving me, but I've come to realise there's no need for all of that. Instead of dreading the future, I've learnt that with all good things, there has to be an end. But with all ends come fresh new beginnings and experiences. Pardon me for getting spiritual here, but I believe that everything has it's own time and pace and happens for the best. No matter how many times I look at my past, I realise that if I had to relive everything all over, there would be nothing that I'd want to change. I will be writing a more coherent post on this new revelation I've come to terms with soon, just in case anyone was interested :)

Ah, enough with the rambling from me for now. Thank you for sticking around :) I'm excited to start getting back to blogging and doing things that I enjoy. Stay tuned, and have a happy holidays wherever you may be :)

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