People come & go.

I'm sure we've all had those moments, times where we question why some people don't seem to put the same amount of effort into friendships as much as you did. I ask myself this question all the time. As a "giver", I tend to give my all into my relationships. As a teenager I learnt that people show love differently, you can't expect everyone to return your favour. Once I grasped this fact, it increasingly became easier for me to accept and love the people around me for who they were.

However, there are some people that you have to let go.

Image credits: Pinterest
Sometimes, and most unfortunately, the friends you cherish and love have to go. Time moves forward, and people change. You change as well, and the relationship isn't how it used to be. If the relationship is toxic to your health and you find yourself getting affected by it (which isn't how a relationship should be), it's time to let that person go. 

Now here's the thing though. There seems to be a misconception behind this "letting people go". Most times these acts come with negative connotations and emotions behind them. 

Personally, I don't believe in that. I still know that despite the battles that may have been fought, the deafening awkward silences and the nervous eye contacts that now hold so many more barriers than before, this person still once held a very important place in my heart for a reason and for this reason alone I shall always treasure the memories we had together. 

Just because someone is no longer in your life does not mean that the memories they made with you walked away with them. Those memories are there to stay, and always remember that at one point in time it was a reason for your smile :)

It really is unfortunate that life is as such, but a wise man once told me "You only have enough space in your heart to love enough people. When someone leaves your life it means their purpose in your life is over. It doesn't erase them completely, they'll make an appearance again sometime."

So for whatever it is worth, thank you to everyone who has been in my life. I know someday that the people around me will disappear one by one, and by disappear I don't mean completely but that lives move on and responsibilities change. I treasure everyone so so much and I know these memories won't disappear anytime soon.

Hope you don't mind me rambling and posting my thoughts out once in a while, I've been going through quite a period lately and am feeling rather pensive tonight. 

Hope you've all had a good week thus far dearies, happy midweek xx.


  1. This is an interesting post. I also put so much into relationships of all kinds and feel like I work hard at them. Sometimes it isn't reciprocated as much as I would like. However, I have also learned to accept it without changing the way I show affection, concern, or care. I think people like us are special in that regard. Great post!

    1. Thank you so much! :) I'm glad to know I'm not the only one, but sometimes it's also important to know when what we're giving is not ever going to be reciprocated even in the slightest bit. Thank you for dropping by, I really appreciate it :)
