Drinking 3litres of water everyday - 10 years younger?!

When I stumbled upon this post on Facebook more than half a year ago, I felt sceptical about the results. I mean, I've seen what photoshop can do to pictures and as much as it can help to beautify pictures, it also deceives you from the truth. I find it hard to believe pictures that I see on the internet nowadays, especially those that stem from articles proving results of experiments or products that supposedly work. 

However, I do know that water is important and am aware of the fact that I used to drink a lot less than the daily intake required. It used to affect me quite a bit, to the point that having issues with my bowels due to the lack of water happened so often it became an indicator for me to start drinking. 

Fortunately, I only started realising the consequences of not drinking enough a few months ago.

You would know by now that I apply make-up, and it has reached a point where I don't feel comfortable leaving the house without it. The main reason though? My dark eye circles.

I don't only have dark eye circles, but at a tender age of 21 years I already have several lines underneath them. I've been told that these lines are here to stay and are a result of my eczema and dry skin. However, it reached a point whereby no concealer could hide the fact that I looked very tired and perhaps much older than my age. Furthermore, if eczema wasn't enough to cause dry skin, having lack of water in my system certainly wasn't helping much. I felt like a human sized shrivelled up prune.

Image Credits: Pinterest
So one day, I decided to put the experiment to the test. I made a promise to drink at least 3 litres of water everyday (hitting a maximum of 4 litres) and here are the results:

These photos are 100% true to what you see, the only difference is the lighting during the time I took the photo. I can safely say that I see a significant change in my face as a whole, it's definitely a lot more plump (in a good way). However, what I love the most about this experiment is the effect it has on my eyes!! The area around my eyes are so much more plump now, and the lines are not as visible as they used to be. Also, it's not obvious in the photo but I noticed that my dark eye circles have reduced significantly too. I can't say for sure if this is an effect of the water or just my having proper sleeping hours but I would like to think the water had a role to play. 

This is the first time I've seen a photo comparison of my eyes before and after the experiment and I am honestly quite amazed at the results. I kid you not, this is real life!!

10 years younger? Okay maybe not, I definitely do not look 11... but I know I sure feel good about myself! Drinking 3 litres of water has not only helped with my appearance but I feel less bloated and a lot more energised and healthy as a whole. The only thing I dislike about this process is the number of trips I have to make to the toilet each day :P

To conclude, the article was true!! The effect may have been more significant for the lady in the article considering her age as compared to mine. I personally saw the difference in my complexion after two weeks of drinking 3 litres of water everyday. The important and tricky part is to be consistent with your intake. However, please do not drink more than 3 litres if possible, and I would highly recommend you seek a doctor before you head on to try this. People can die from drinking too much water. Remember that too much of a good thing is a bad thing too! 

One thing you have to be warned about is that this does not in any way help you to lose weight. It certainly does assist in detox (I cannot emphasise the satisfaction I feel after taking a huge dump hehe) but the only way to lose weight is through exercise and clean eating! Drinking does make you full though, and that causes you to consume less food which could help you lose a few pounds in the long run. 

Do let me know if any of you try this out!! I really would recommend it. I fail to drink 3 litres some days, I won't deny that it's hard to keep track of the amount of water you're drinking. I personally like to lay off drinking so much on long days because I'm not exactly a fan of using the public toilets either. Trust me, you will need the toilet very often. 

Happy drinking!! :) 

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