My morning affair

Sunrise is getting earlier here down under, and that only means good news for me! I wake up just before the crack of dawn, and am usually always on time to see the sunrise from my place :) I do enjoy my mornings a lot, it gives me a lot of time to relax, reflect as well as go through my bloglovin feed. 

As you may know by now, breakfasts are important to me. As a student, there are days where I have lessons in the late evening, a timing that is too awkward for lunch yet ends only close to dinner. As such, on days like these I like to whip up a good breakfast that is filling enough to last me till dinner at least!

This morning, I decided to whip out my packet of oats that's been lying around for quite a while. This was my first time experimenting with oats, I never really did fancy it before because I felt the taste got too boring after a while. This time though, I have to say it was anything but boring. It was extremely delicious and yummy, and I only boiled 1/3 cup of oats as instructed but was already so full halfway! Although I think the amount of water I drank whilst eating had a large part to play for that... So for those of you who are interested, here's what you'll need:

  • 1/3 cup of oats
  • 3/4 cup of water/milk (I used Almond Milk)
  • Raisins/Cranberries/Sultanas (I added them into the pot as the oats was boiling)
  • Chia Seeds
  • Cinnamon Ground
  • Bananas
  • Brown Sugar
There you go! So simple and easy to do :) My tummy is happy and I can start on work now!


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