Excited :)

Today's post strays from what I had originally intended for this blog. But I suppose it doesn't hurt to do these once in a while. 

I don't think I've felt this happy and excited about things in a while. Today I attended a 2-hour lecture that I thoroughly enjoyed and was attentive throughout for, purchased a very yummy mocha from a cafe in Uni, went to the market and bought fresh fruit and veggies, attended my first official university Toastmasters' event, cooked a delicious dinner and Skyped my family :)

The Toastmasters' event was exciting and I can't wait for more of such events. I've been trying to get as involved in Uni as I was in school back at home, but I haven't been able to find a group where I feel as though I'm "in my element". Today, I found that group.

You just know when something is right. For starters, I left the house excited to attend my first session. I usually tend to get nervous for events like these because I wouldn't know anyone and I'd get nervous over meeting new people. But then again, Toastmasters' is basically meant to help with your public speaking and instil a sense of confidence in you, which could have been a reason why I was so calm. Everyone was so friendly and I am definitely attending the next few sessions! Excited and nervous to see what lies ahead for me in that path and I'm definitely looking forward to it :) Hee

I've also just recently purchased "Mrs Dalloway" by Virginia Woolf. I've taken an interest in Ms Woolf since I found out that she suffered from depression. Will be sure to give you a review once I'm done with it :)

That's it for now chummies, off to catch some Zzz's now. Till then, xx :)

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