Go the distance

If you haven't already watched Disney's Hercules (the movie), then I highly recommend it. I remember watching this movie as a toddler and not understanding or liking it because of Hades and the underworld. Recently I found myself chancing upon a video performed by a choir of a Disney medley that included the song "I won't say (I'm in love)". One thing led to another and I found myself buying the DVD on iTunes to watch. I've developed a deeper appreciation for the movie and the soundtrack ever since.

I'm going to be honest, it wasn't easy coming back here to write a post. Especially after having been gone for so long. How was I going to start my post after having been inactive all this while? Do I provide an explanation? Do I pretend nothing's happened and carry on? Do I owe an explanation as to what's happened?

The truth is, I've been going through a lot of personal (for the lack of a better explanation) problems recently. Whilst I know that we each go through our own set of problems, I can safely say that this is the lowest that I've ever found myself to be in. Failure, disappointment, worthlessness, stress... just to name a few of the emotions that I've been going through.

It hasn't been an easy journey, and it isn't one that I'll delve into anytime soon. Perhaps someday in the future when I've overcome this obstacle and become successful. When time has healed the wound that is so deep I'm almost numb to the pain no matter how much further it digs in.

... this is where Hercules comes in. Perhaps it's because it was that time of the month, or perhaps it's because I sympathised with Hercules. For what it's worth, this movie and the moral behind it moved me to tears. For the past few weeks, 'Go the Distance' has been on repeat. A reminder to myself to continue dreaming, that my hero's welcome is waiting for me out there someday.

So until my next proper post, I just wanted to wish anyone who's reading this right now the best of luck for the future that lies ahead. Don't let the obstacles you're going through dampen your spirits for a brighter future ahead. It's an uphill slope, but don't you lose hope.

Image Credits: Pinterest

Till then, with lots of love and strength from me to you,

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