"Crikey" to the future!

Image Credits: Pinterest.
Internship applications, future job prospectives (which company is actually going to want me??), financial expenditures and getting excited about new electrical appliances. Yep, you know you're an adult when these things start bothering you and shit starts getting real.

No one's ever prepared to become an adult. Life just decides to throw you in that situation one day and you're gonna have to deal with it, whether you like it or not.

I can deal with having to carry out adult duties. What I can't deal with is my own attitude. I don't think I'll survive adulthood with the current attitude I have at the moment. For starters, procrastinating on an assignment I should otherwise be working on (talk about priorities) and getting my grind on those cover letters I should be furiously sending out to companies and agencies I wish to apply to for an internship.

On a serious note though, for someone who's always been a firm believer of "There's a job out there for everyone!", I'm definitely not feeding myself enough positivity when it comes to believing in getting employed. That's something I definitely need to work on. It's strange how the mind can bring you down as instantly as it can bringing you up.

Whatever it is, reality's hitting me real hard now that I'm less than a year away from being ripped of my "student" status.

Where I am now is definitely not where I saw myself a few years ago. Will I ever see myself there?


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