I believe everything is okay.

Image Credits: Pinterest
Moments like these, you remember that you are but a small tiny human living in the world of your Creator. Very often, I tend to forget how small and insignificant I am until something big happens. But just how many times do big unfortunate events have to take place before I finally learn?

May the victims and families of the #sabahquake find peace and comfort in the days to come. That is all I would like to say about said string of events.

It has been hard to concentrate on my work, but I am grateful for friends who have been helping me along the process. If there is one thing I've come to realise, its that I have learnt to accept that this is what life is. To not complain that it has happened to me, but to realise that it is beyond my grasp and control and that I eventually have to submit to Him.

Which then brings me to my next point. I am who I am because of what I believe in and the values that make me. To give credit to my parents and family who've so tirelessly raised me definitely holds true, but I think it cannot be denied that the underlying factor that makes my entire family what we are are the values behind the beauty of the religion we believe in. Needless to say, we try to be better people of faith and it should also be remembered that what one person of faith does is not representative of the entire religion.

I guess I brought this last point up because if you left because of the commitments that were involved, then I don't think I've made a loss. It still hurts, but I will get through it as time passes. Never again will I feel sad for being who I am, that's just not right. But if you do change your mind...

...what am I hoping for? I don't even know if that's the reason why in the first place. I guess attraction dies faster than I thought.


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