An emotional night.

Image credits: Pinterest
I've always marvelled at the human body's ability to feel. To be able to feel is such a wonderful thing. Yet it's such a love-hate relationship we have with it.

I love having the ability to feel. Simply put, I feel much more human that way. On nights like these though, sometimes I wish I had the ability to hold it, put it on pause or numb certain feelings. One main problem that comes with a very strong ability to feel emotion is allowing it to take over.

I replay these thoughts in my head, and it's not looking to be a very promising night. Very often I end up staring at my computer, refreshing the same page over and over again, and then waste time thinking about thoughts that are beyond my control.

Sigh, if only life were a lot easier sometimes huh? Guess it's just going to be one of those nights... :(

Time to bring out some chamomile tea. Hopefully it'll ease me into sleeping.

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