
Source: Pinterest
I've come to realise as I've grown that social media has grown to be nothing more than an irritant for me. It's like that annoying pimple that turns up even when you don't want it to, but should you poke it leave a scar that may stay for a long time. 

I loved social media as a teenager. Perhaps it had to do with showcasing how perfect and wonderful life was. I remember clearly thinking up of witty captions, trying to use cool filters and applications to spice up my otherwise dull photos. Heck, I'd have already thought of a photo and a caption I wished to upload from an event that would have taken place a week or two later! That's as crazy as I had gone. 

Needless to say, I've soon gotten tired of social media. Tired of having to deal with "humble braggers" (okay I get it, you have hundreds of admirers lining up your door asking for your number), tired of having to see people claim every tom dick and harry to be their "babes"/"girlies"/"baes" (can I use this opportunity now to express my extreme distaste for the term "bae") and above all, people who upload three photos of their other half and the extremely wonderful things they do for each other every single day (you cannot then express your surprise when acquaintances / friends are aware of your break-up). 

I've since gotten rid of my social media. I found myself getting affected by said people above. Thus, instead of harbouring bad feelings towards these people, I've come to follow the mantra that goes "Out of sight, out of mind". That said, there are some platforms that I simply cannot bear to deactivate. Facebook for instance, is one site I know I definitely won't remove from my life. Simply because there are people who I may no longer speak to but would definitely like to remain "in touch" with. I have sent these friends random messages when they cross my mind to ask them how they're doing. Why be afraid if they find you weird right? It's the thought that matters. This reminds me of the article of the individual who met each Facebook friend for coffee to catch up. I wish I had the courage to do that too.

...also facebook is where all my photos (shared by friends) are. I honestly would mourn the day Facebook decides to shut down.

Another platform I know I won't deactivate or remove anytime soon would be instagram. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but instagram has served a very important and special purpose for me. Considering how I'm away from home so often, instagram's served the function of being my comfort during the days I miss home. How, you ask?

You see, each time you view a photo from your profile, the application shows you the number of weeks ago you'd uploaded the photo. I find comfort in the fact that a photo I had uploaded from an event/outing had only taken place a few weeks ago. It sets me in a reminiscent mood and reminds me of the good times that were spent :)

Speaking of which, you may be wondering now what my rambling above has anything to do with the title of the post. Well, I've spent my evening looking through my past photos and a wave of nostalgia hit. Apart from feeling utmost regret at not having put more effort into my daily exercise regiment, I've come to realise how much I've lost the youth and vigour I once had.

It's crazy isn't it? What do you see in your past photos? Apart from seeing my physical self and the objects in the photo, I see and recall the emotions and the thoughts that I had during the time of the event. I wonder if everyone else feels this way when they look at their past photos too. Perhaps this is why two people may look at the same picture, but one with more avid an expression than the other.

I definitely recall the times I've spent and the thoughts that I held in my past pictures. Oh that photo of us tumbling down the hill? I remember the coolness of the air, the sound of the children in the park and the crazy amount of adrenaline that was coursing through our veins as we did it. It's reminded me why I ever turned into an avid photo taking monster in the first place. I hope that I don't ever shy away during times I wish to take a picture of anything in particular, because very often the feeling you've had during that time may not return.

Do you have a particular picture that reminds you of a memorable event? Do share, I'd love to know :)

Till then, have a great mid-week and a happy chinese new year to all who celebrate out there! :)

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