Hola, Aloha, Konnichiwa!

It looks like I've finally come around to starting my blog. After spending what feels like ages dreaming about creating my own blog, i'm glad i've finally come around to doing it!! 

I've been wanting to start a blog like this for a very long time. It's not that i've never had a go at blogging before, but my previous blogs were usually kept private. The very idea of having my life put public and on a site accessible by anyone is daunting and it never fails to frighten me that any photo I put up from hereon can be used by anyone who comes across this page. But I know that should I not challenge myself and at least attempt to try out blogging, I will look back in the future full of regrets. 

So why now? I turned 21 this year, and we know turning 21 is a pretty big deal :) You're officially an adult, yet you're still blessed with youth and vigour that should be used wisely and to its full potential while you're living it. I'd like to look back thinking that I've done certain things in my 20s that I can smile upon and be proud of. Although blogging may sound like a stupid thing to be proud of but I see it as stepping out of my comfort zone. 

I'm most probably going to be blogging about things I'm passionate and interested in. These include things like baking, crafts, makeup, fashion and pretty much anything that's pink and pretty! I'm no expert in these things, but hopefully I'm knowledgeable enough to share my thoughts on them in this little space :) 

I'm excited to start blogging over the next few days! I'm quite excited to see how I'll fare with this. As it is, I've just realised I forgot to bring my camera charger over to where I am currently... The woes of being a muddlehead :P

I'll see you soon! 

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