Covid ‘19 | Entering Week 2 of the Circuit Breaker

Singapore’s circuit breaker - aka CB, an acronym I’m quite sure the government came up with for an added little bit of humour - is officially into its second week starting today. The above picture pretty much sums up my view the past few days. Meetings have been taken online, dinners and outings with friends have had to be innovated to suit the virtual climate we’re now faced with and more than anything, the screen is now the only means we have to satiate our craving for the human interaction.

I can’t complain much though, because this CB has actually been more productive for me than it has for most people. The cut in travel time has given me more opportunity to focus on other things that I otherwise would procrastinate on if I were to head down to the office and for my appointments on the daily. The other side to this story though is that I experienced a burn out towards the end of the week.

On the mental health side, I’ve been finding ways to cope with the situation whilst maintaining my sanity. I’m trying to include exercise more frequently into my schedule because it helps tremendously with my anxiety, but apart from that I find that keeping myself busy to exhaustion is the only way to get the time to pass by.

In the grander scheme of things, I am grateful that my family members are all healthy and safe from the virus and above all, to have a roof and safe place to be contained in this period. I feel helpless at the number of people who don’t share the same privilege. Regardless, I believe this is a shared experience we’re going through as one humankind. How you come out of this should not matter to someone else. Your management and ability to cope with this is not any less worthy or important than the next person. Just please, please please stay home as much as possible if you can. That’s the only way we can beat this together.

We can and we will. I don’t believe we’ll come out of this the same person.

Hang in there everyone.


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