
I started this blog two years ago as a means of catharsis for myself. I was going through depression and anxiety, and that period was also a difficult time as I was grappling with discovering who I was, where I was headed and balancing all of that with my emotional instability. Since then, two years have passed and I am now at peace with myself and the struggles that I went through. More importantly, I have opened myself up to friends and family. I can't say for sure that I've overcome the illness, there are definitely moments where I feel susceptible to falling prey to it again. Even so, I am more positive about what life has to offer and feel a lot less burdened than before.

One whole chunk of rambling aside, I have spent the past few months deciding on the direction I wanted to take with this space. I mean, as a teenager I spent my time on my blog complaining about friendship struggles, school, etc etc etc. You know the drill. As teenagers we pretty much stalked our friends / schoolmates blogs just for funsies. That's pretty much how gossip starts anyway.

Now however, I no longer want to do that. Besides sharing random stuff like I've been so far, I definitely want this space to be filled with positive vibes - one that people come to and feel at home and at peace with. Over the past few weeks I've been following so many people on instagram, and despite them not knowing who I am I have found so much strength in their kind words and their captions. I find myself visiting the same pages, blogs and sites when I'm feeling down.

So.. I've come up with a plan for this blog. Posts that you can expect during the week. I am a rather cliche individual, so I hope you don't mind the alliterations I've created for each theme :P

  • Make-up Mondays - In which I share a product that I love, or items I wish to buy. They may or may not also include YouTube videos that I've been obsessed with :P
  • Transformation Tuesdays - I'm constantly wanting to improve myself. Be it the bad habit of not always making my bed, to procrastinating with homework, I want to spend some time to share some habits I wish to change and hopefully share these experiences and journey with you!
  • Throwback Thursdays - In which I share past photos or stories about myself. Not that it'd be of any benefit to you of course... but I wanted to do this to remind myself of how far I've come. It's also a good reminder of some of the best memories I have :)
  • Weekend Wrap-up - Self explanatory here. This is where I wrap-up the events of the week. 
Needless to say, I'm really excited about this and I hope anyone who's reading this is too! Lots of exciting things coming up, and I'm just really excited to type away as I go along. 

Till then, I have to finish an assignment before my exciting weekend ahead. Let me know what you think about my "revamp"? :)

1 comment

  1. Loving the 'revamp'!! Cannot wait to see more!
